9 Heartfelt Back to School Prayers for Students, Teachers & Administrators
Our teachers, students and families need prayer and God’s peace more than ever. At their best, American public schools are wonderful places where learning takes place and friendships are formed; at their worst, they are fraught with nasty politics, meanness, and a source of stress for those who attend them. Those of us who are Christians look to our faith to get us through all of life’s major transitions – including back to school.
I hope these back to school prayers bring peace and courage for the road ahead!
Back to School Prayers for Parents
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. (NIV)
Dear God,
As we approach another school year, help me keep my eyes trained on you. I know the chaos and busyness is coming again, but let me always remember that you are there in the stillness, waiting for me to unburden myself and draw closer to You. You are the source of my peace and comfort.
God, give me the wisdom I need to parent these children with the kind of love, patience, and tenderness they deserve. Allow me to discipline them in such a way that reflects your goodness and mercy. As their first teacher, help me guide them through their school experience and in their friendships this year.
I pray that I will always keep you at the center of our home, so that no matter what messiness swirls around us, we always find refuge in you. Protect our home life, our church, our school relationships and our friendships this school year.
Back to School Prayers for Pre-K and Kindergarten Students
Matthew 19:14″Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'”
Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the excitement and anticipation of being a brand-new student! As these sweet kids make their way into school for the first time ever, help them feel Your love through their teachers, administration teams, office personnel and classmates.
Protect them from evil, hatred and violence all of their school days.
May they be calm, confident and happy as they begin to learn their alphabet, discover the joy of reading, and play with math manipulatives for the first time this year. Help them remember the love of their family members while they are away from home.
God, please help the little ones learn about friendship, caring for one another, and being a good citizen. We pray that they’d begin to learn about responsibility and develop a growth mindset for learning new skills.
We praise You, with gratitude for the innocence of childhood.
Thank you for loving us like your own children.
Back to School Prayers for Elementary School Students
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Dear God,
Thank you for our youngest learners.
As they embark on a new school year and meet new friends and teachers, help them be courageous and hopeful. Let them wake up each morning refreshed and excited to start a new school day.
God, our youngest learners have their whole lives ahead of them. Give them a sense of adventure as they explore the world around them, beginning with the security of their own classroom and school.
I pray that our elementary school students would feel physically and emotionally safe in their classrooms, with open minds ready to learn. Protect them from evil, hatred and violence all of their school days.
May each student have the confidence to approach new challenges with a growth mindset, believing that they can do anything they choose with enough practice and grit.
For the students who have learning challenges, help them be at peace with the beautiful way you’ve made them and yet willing to continue trying with each new day.
Back to School Prayers for Middle School Students
Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Dear God,
Middle school students have so much to learn at school. It’s not just about academics. They need to learn responsibility, citizenship, social justice, about friendships and maybe even dating relationships.
And yet, Heavenly Father, we know that middle school is a time when it’s so hard to think about anything other than one’s own needs and desires. It’s such a hard time for so many kids, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Please give our middle school kids the peace of mind, stability and security to open their minds to the needs of those around them. Help them discover themselves and be certain of their identity in You, but also the wonder of serving the people around them.
As always, please protect them from evil, hatred and violence all of their school days.
Back to School Prayers for High School Students
1 Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
Dear God,
As our high school students approach graduation, their first jobs and college, we are ever mindful that they are finding their wings. It is a scary thing for parents and other loving adults to relinquish more control, and our schools can sometimes become dangerous, too. Protect our students, God!
Heavenly Father, may your high school students feel your love and comfort as they sort out who they are, and to whom they belong. As they experience love and loss, may they turn first to You. Help them discover the healing power of a healthy prayer life.
As academic and extracurricular expectations become greater, give our high school students the strength and courage to dig deep and remember to always do their best, to honor You.
Lord, help them grow in maturity, surrounded by Christian adults and friends who love and support them as they pursue a life of wisdom and faith. May their own faith cease to be simply a dutiful replica of their parents’ belief system, but rather a living and breathing pursuit of Your love. May they desire to become like Christ.
God, help them discover the gifts you’ve given them, so they may put them to good use in Your kingdom.
Back to School Prayers for College Students
Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Dear God,
As college students all over the world complete their summer work and return to their books, seminars and lectures, I pray they’d have the stamina to keep studying, growing and find success in their fields of study.
I pray for protection for their mental health and for their bodies. May they take care of themselves and also help their friends do the same.
Lord, we also pray for them to have a sense of your presence all the time, and a clear vision of Your will for their lives. May they stay so in tune with you that they’re able to live into Your promises for their lives.
May they experience your love and mercy everywhere they go.
Back to School Prayers for Teachers
Lord God,
Watch over our teachers this school year. When they consume hurtful news media about teachers, help them remember they are made in Your image and worthy of your love. We know that schools aren’t always safe, God, as much as we want them to be. Protect them from evil, hatred and violence all of their school days.
Fill our teachers with love and patience for their students, families coworkers and administrative team.
May they be intellectually curious to learn more about their field. May they be receptive to gentle, constructive criticism and eager to always improve. When teachers get bad news about their students’ progress on benchmark tests, I pray that they would not panic, but instead discern what positive changes to make and move forward with hope.
God, you know that teachers often feel overwhelmed by incomplete tasks and unrealistic expectations. Help them remember to be still so they can experience Your peace and confidence.
No matter what happens, God, help all your teachers focus on the calling You have placed on their lives – to love children and help them grow up to be the best they can be.
Back to School Prayers for School Administrators
Philippians 2:3-4: 9. “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”
Heavenly Father,
I pray for our school administrators at every level this year. Schools are not always safe, despite our best efforts. Lord, please protect our administrative teams from evil, hatred and violence all of their school days.
God, being a school administrator is such mentally challenging job. They have so much responsibility and the logistics of the job are borderline impossible, especially in under-resourced school districts and neighborhoods. But we know nothing is impossible with You! We pray for wisdom, and that they would be discerning of Your will for our schools and communities.
Lord, give our administrators the power to be a positive change agent for entire neighborhoods. May they be a source of encouragement and positivity, and let them shine Your light to their students, teachers, and other staff members.
Administrators are tired, God. Give them the energy and focus they need to not just survive the school day, but to fully live into Your calling for their lives. Help them find tiny moments to spend throughout the day with You. May they seek out your presence in the midst of all the hard decisions and painful conversations.
I hope these back to school prayers are helpful for your prayer life! Take time to be still before a new year begins!
Looking for more? Here are some lovely prayers for teachers and administrators from Pureflix Insider.